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Entrepreneur Magazine’s 44th annual Franchise 500

January 12, 2023

Entrepreneur Magazine’s 44th annual Franchise 500

America’s Swimming Pool Company is honored to have recently been named the #1 Pool Maintenance franchise business by Entrepreneur Magazine. We are also excited to announce we ranked #197 on Entrepreneur Magazine’s 44th annual Franchise 500!

What set America’s Swimming Pool Company apart from the rest really boils down to a few things. Among them being our unmatched business model, comprehensive owner training, and our unwavering commitment to excellence to our franchise owners, staff, and customers.

This award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the entire team at America’s Swimming Pool Company. They have consistently gone above and beyond to provide high-quality service to their clients and are directly responsible for us earning a reputation as one of the best pool maintenance companies in the country.

What Is Entrepreneur Magazine’s 44th annual Franchise 500?

Entrepreneur’s 44th annual Franchise 500® shines a light on the unique challenges and changes that have shaped the franchise industry over the last year. This award showcases the success in the industry, as many franchisors showed tremendous growth. The attraction of franchising as a method of expansion clearly hasn’t faded, as hundreds of newer companies have submitted for the list, resulting in a record-breaking number of applicants.

A total of 1,321 brands applied for this year’s listing, representing a worldwide total of 646,484 units open and operating as of July 31, 2022. However, the companies that made the Franchise 500 ranking represented 590,971 of those units. In other words, although only 38% of all applicants made the ranking, the ones that made it represent 91% of all global units.

Overall, this award is a major achievement for America’s Swimming Pool Company! On the behalf of our team at America’s Swimming Pool Company, we are honored to have received this recognition and will continue to strive for excellence in all that we do.

For more information on how we can help with franchising click here

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