Meghan E. Meece

In by ferociousmedia

Meghan Meece oversees all aspects of the website and communications program for both the franchise owners and franchisor, including search engine optimization, social media, public relations, website development and customization and IT support. Prior to joining ASP Franchising.

She worked in the government sector implementing federal programs for a local school district in South Carolina.

Additionally, Meece partnered with her husband, Jimmie, in 2005 to run one of the first ASP franchises in Clemson, South Carolina.

In addition to her position with ASP Franchising, Meece enjoys spending time with her family, reading, and scrapbooking. She is a member of the choir at Ingleside Baptist Church, where she also serves on one of the vocal teams.

She is a graduate of Clemson University, and together with Jimmie, they have three children: Jacob, Katelyn, and Taylor.