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7 Characteristics Of America’s Swimming Pool Co. Owners

April 9, 2021

Are you someone who loves working with people?

Do you have a passion for customer service?

Is your absolute favorite thing ensuring everyone is happy and satisfied?

We ask all of these questions to find out one important thing: If you’re suited to be a franchise owner with America’s Swimming Pool Company.

We’re always looking for enthusiastic and passionate entrepreneurs ready to charter their own courses. And if you think you’re ready to join our ranks and become a part of our franchise network, check out these seven personality traits that we look for in new franchise owners.

1. Your Work Ethic is Strong

Have you always been that person to go above and beyond in practically every aspect of your work life? When you encounter challenges on the job, you’re the kind of person who can figure out a way over, under, around, or through them. You may not have an immediate solution for everything, but you work hard to ensure the problem is solved and completely resolved.

Strong work ethic is a trait many companies want in new employees. In fact, a 2005 study cited that work ethic is one of the most desired personality traits employers look for in potential employees. For our potential America’s Swimming Pool Co. franchise owners, we wholeheartedly agree. Work ethic is a very sought-after personality trait that our current franchise owners possess.

2. You’re Driven to Achieve

When you’re genuinely passionate about something, being driven to achieve goals isn’t hard at all. You’re the kind of person who is naturally driven to accomplish tasks because you enjoy marking them off your list and seeing how they positively affect those around you. ASP is constantly looking for potential franchise owners who are motivated to achieve a specific objective and exceed it.

3. You Enjoy Facing Challenges Head-On

Is there an obstacle standing between you and something you want? For you, challenges are not a problem. You love encountering difficulties and using your knowledge and skills in a particular area to face them head-on and overcome them. While the road to success as a franchise owner may be filled with many roadblocks, that doesn’t deter you one bit. Fortunately, our franchise team won’t leave you to face issues alone. With a robust franchise network, you will always have the support you need to conquer any challenge this new venture brings.

4. You Possess an Entrepreneurial Spirit

Entrepreneurs usually make great franchise owners. However, if you’re not already a business owner, that doesn’t mean you can’t possess an entrepreneurial spirit. Someone with an entrepreneurial spirit has a proactive mindset. Simply put, you don’t wait around for changes to happen; you’re either gearing up for them or the person making them. You embrace innovation, critical thinking and questioning, and continuous system or service improvements.

Successful franchise owners with America’s Swimming Pool Co. constantly innovate and improve upon our processes and services to better serve our customers. We welcome all individuals with improvement ideas that can help move our business forward.

5. You’re a Born Leader

Leadership is—without a doubt—one of the most important traits a franchise owner should have. After all, you are going to be the head of your own business. Being a leader, however, doesn’t just encompass being at the top of a business hierarchy. It requires that you communicate and listen to those individuals who work for you. A natural-born leader can innately and effectively manage people, support them in achieving goals and inspire them without much effort.

If you’re born to be a leader, you likely possess the following characteristics:

  • Empathy
  • Compassion
  • Courage
  • Integrity
  • Generosity
  • Humility

We want innate leaders who can rally their teams during downtimes and motivate them to keep doing what they’re doing during times of great success. Someone who treats others with respect and dignity, regardless of their business role, will make the perfect franchise owner with America’s Swimming Pool Company.

6. You Love Learning New Things

At America’s Swimming Pool Co., we love a good philomath (or someone who loves learning and studying). New franchise owners go through extensive training to learn more about the swimming pool industry and gear up to run their business. It’s crucial to enjoy learning new things as a franchise owner because you will be introduced to new tools, systems, and methods to help you run your business. When you constantly crave knowledge, we recognize you as someone who can pick up new responsibilities quickly as well. This kind of person is ready to hit the ground running and make their ASP franchise a success.

7. You Like Working with an Established System

When you become a franchisee with an established brand and franchise network, you usually get access to a plethora of proven systems, tools, and techniques to make your business a success. This trait tells brands that you want to be a part of a brand with staying power, which means you’re in it for the long haul. The great news is, at ASP, we want you to grow with us and allow our success to become your success.

Franchise ownership isn’t always a smooth journey, but it is gratifying. Success may not come immediately, but if you have the drive, determination, and the personality to go above and beyond, you’ll be a perfect addition to the ASP franchise family.

For more information about owning an ASP franchise, contact us online today!

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