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Founder & CEO Of ASP Featured In Franchising USA Publication

February 22, 2017

Stewart Vernon, Founder and CEO of America’s Swimming Pool Company (ASP) explains the reasons behind the success of an ASP franchisee.
Pool Franchise Focuses on Franchisee Growth for Overall Success – Article by Franchising USA.
“Focusing on individual franchise growth rather than overall company growth helped turn a one-man company into the first successful pool maintenance franchise in the United States.”
Vernon, a lifelong entrepreneur, started a car washing business by the age of 15. By the week of his college graduation, Vernon founded a pool service business that is now known as America’s Swimming Pool Company.

In this article by Franchising USA, Vernon covers the growth of ASP from starting the business in 2002 with a single truck to covering almost 250 territories in 23 states across the country by 2017.

“Vernon says it was after getting his second franchisee that he realized just how many people out there loathe what they do for a living and are just waiting for a low-risk, high reward business opportunity to help them get unstuck from their corporate lives.”
Stewart Vernon’s formula for company growth is simple:

“Give franchise owners the support they need to be successful on an individual level and keep the focus on their success.”

To learn more about franchise opportunities with ASP, call us (888) 663-1556 or fill out our form.

Read more about the business model, training, and technology that has made ASP the Nation’s most recognized swimming pool franchise.

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