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ASP Pool Maintenance Franchise Honored With Induction Into Founder’s Club

March 9, 2016

MACON, Georgia– ASP – America’s Swimming Pool Company recently held its annual owner’s meeting where it introduced five pool cleaning franchise locations into its Founder’s Club. The club consists of the top earners in the company, specifically those that exceeded $1 million in sales in 2015. Among the franchises honored for their dedication and hard work is the Columbus, Georgia location, owned and operated by Gordy Pease.

“Pease and his team have made a significant contribution to building the ASP brand in their territory,” said Stewart Vernon, Founder & Chief Executive Officer of ASP. “This award is a source of great pride for ASP and shows dedication to providing the best swimming pool service in their territory. We expect great things from Pease and his team again in 2016.”

As one of five pool maintenance franchise locations to earn this award in 2015, Pease and his team are thrilled with where their hard work has taken them, and are committed to exceeding their 2015 sales in 2016. Pease works hard to train his staff and create the best possible work environment for his employees so they, in turn, can provide the best possible service to their clients.

As a national pool cleaning franchise, ASP is not a stranger to being recognized for their hard work and growth. Entrepreneur Magazine has recognized the company on their annual list of best franchises in America since 2011 in categories including fastest-growing, home-based, and best in class industry leaders.

ASP was founded in 2001 by Stewart Vernon who set out to change the swimming pool industry in his town by providing a higher quality service at a price pool owners could afford. His company proved to be just what the industry needed, and he experienced explosive growth within a few years of starting. Vernon knew that his business model would benefit other markets nationwide and began offering franchises in 2005. The company has grown to include over 180 territories across the nation and has become America’s most trusted brand.

To learn more about franchise opportunities with ASP, call us (888) 663-1556 or fill out our form.

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